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Curtis Aube is a Christian, software developer, game developer, husband, and father. He loves to be creative and was inspired at a young age by the possibilities that computers unlocked. He started programming games in middle school in 1999. He continued to take programming courses and started to learn web development in high school. He ended up attending Vermont Technical College and got a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering. In his junior year of college, he started his first software engineering job in 2007. He has since passionately applied his skills to the development of both enterprise software and video games.

Curtis Aube currently works at Union Street Media as a Software Engineer.

Check out his projects and social links below!


Shiny Snail is a family-oriented, video game and product development studio based in Vermont. The company started out as Ketos Games, established in 2014 by Curtis Aube. In 2015 they released Marble Muse, a game about navigating a marble through a 3D obstacle course by rotating the course itself. Since the release of Marble Muse, they have made a number of games including a collaboration with Whooplah on Pollywog Pond, an educational video game portal for preschoolers.

Shiny Snail has also launched a Christmas ornament set called The Promised Messiah.

Champlain Games Festival logo

The Champlain Games Festival was an event featuring locally made digital and tabletop games from in and around the Vermont area. It was a family-friendly event that ran for 3 years. It provided a chance for game developers to get some playtesting and for people in the community to see what kinds of awesome local games were being created.

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