Book Shelf

Collections in Progress OpenEdge

Collections are a bit of a sticky subject in Progress. The reason for this is that Progress doesn't currently support Generics. Why does that matter? Generics make it so that you can handle types in a generic way. Without that language feature, you can't easily have typed collections, but not all is lost. Let's take a look at the options…

Processing Image Orientation Data

Late last year, I was looking into a reported issue that images were not displaying in the correct orientation on the web. It appeared to only happen when uploading pictures that were taken on certain cellphones. We eventually narrowed down the issue to JPEG orientation data. First, let's look at what's happening here, and then we'll look at ways to…

Object Serialization in Progress OpenEdge

Since Progress version 11.7 we have the ability to serialize and deserialize class-based objects. What is serialization? Simply, it's the process of converting an object into a format that can be transmitted or stored and then remade into the object at a later time. As of this writing, json and binary formats are available. So what does this allow us…